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Exposition Photo Mas Daudet, Saint-Alban-Auriolles, France

Trésors de la Nature au Mas Daudet

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IGPOTY 17, 2024: My winning photo 3nd place: European Garden Photography Award 

Fernsehsendung von MDR-Garten in der ich 2023 mitgemacht habe:

Video MDR-Garten :  Traumgärten in Szene gesetzt

My winning photo, 2nd place, category "The beauty of plants" in the "IGPOTY", International Garden Photographer of the Year, Competition 13 

Summertime Gewinner Bild IGPOTY

My winning photos from "IGPOTY" International Garden Photographer of the Year Competition 11 

Commended: European Garden Photography Award 

Asferico highly commended Baum Mehrfachbelichtung

Highly commended: Asferico contest 2023, category plants and fungi

Pilz highly commended IGPOTY in World of fungi, Gartenfotografie

IGPOTY 2022: Highly commended, category "World of fungi"

"Igpoty" winner gallery:

Monochrome Award honorable mention Wildlife "Black birds"

Monochrome Award 2019:
Honorable mention category Wildlife
"Black birds"

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