About Me
geboren und aufgewachsen in Québec, Kanada
seit 30 Jahren in Bayern, jetzt immer mehr im Schwarzwald,
fotografiere liebend gern Flora, Fauna, Menschen
finde immer wieder Fotomotive im Garten
Bildagentur: www.flora-press.de
Dehner, Holzmann Gartenkultur, Gärtner von Eden, Preißler Ohlmann Rechtsanwälte, Botanischer Garten Erlangen, Interkultureller Garten Erlangen, MDR
Mitglied in der Gesellschaft für Naturfotografie e.V.
Erfolge: Mehrfach prämiert bei dem renommierten Gartenfotowettbewerb "IGPOTY" , International Garden Photographer of the Year
2023: Asferico: "Highly commended" in der Kategorie "Plants and fungi"
2022: IGPOTY International Garden Photographer of the Year: "Highly commended" in der Kategorie "World of fungi"
2020: IGPOTY International Garden Photographer of the Year: 2. Platz in der Kategorie "The beauty of plants"
2019: IGPOTY International Garden Photographer of the Year:
lobende Erwähnung Kategorie "Schwarz-Weiß"
lobende Erwähnung Kategorie "Wildlife in the garden"
2018: IGPOTY International Garden Photographer of the Year, 5 Preise:
2. Platz in der Kategorie "European Garden Photography Award";
3. Platz in "Outdoor living";
Finalist "European Garden Photography Award";
lobende Erwähnung in den Kategorien "Breathing Places" und "Trees, woods, forests"
2017: IGPOTY International Garden Photographer of the year, lobende Erwähnung in der Kategorie "New Shoots"
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was born and grew up in Québec, Canada
have lived in Bavaria (Germany) for 30 years, now more and more in the Black Forest, love to photograph flora, fauna and people find every day new inspiration in the garden
Multiple awards at the renowned garden photo competition "IGPOTY", International Garden Photographer of the Year
Awards, look at my profile:
2022: IGPOTY International Garden Photographer of the Year: "Highly commended" in the category "World of fungi"
2020: IGPOTY International Garden Photographer of the year:
2.nd place in "The beauty of plants"
2019: IGPOTY International Garden Photographer of the Year:
Highly Commended in the category "Black and White"
Highly Commended in the category "Wildlife in the garden"
2018: IGPOTY International Garden Photographer of the year, 5 awards:
2.nd place in "European Garden Photography Award";
3.rd place in "Outdoor living";
Finalist in "European Garden Photography Award";
commended in "Breathing Places" und "Trees, woods, forests"
2017: Commended in the category "New Shoots"